BBC micro:bit 学习资源汇总(最近更新2019年1月6日....)
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在线编程时,点击下载后,micro:bit uploader 可以实现自动将HEX文件拷贝到 microbit中。如果没有micro:bit uploader,得先找到HEX文件,然后再手动拷贝到microbit中,还是比价麻烦的。

micro:bit uploader 下载地址:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1Dn26uvtl0zMTaPaXoA0Zvw



Makecode 离线版,在教学过程中经常会遇到网络不畅等问题,访问micro:bit官网时就会非常卡,一节课仅仅只有45分钟,大部分时间都花在了刷新页面上,实在令人头疼。小喵科技推出了Makecode 离线版本,即使没有网络依然可以对micro:bit进行编程。






《the official BBC microbit user guide》官方指南英文版高清pdf下载:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1IkkAmTyTcLmLVDIxqd_uJA





《Beginning BBC micro bit》micro:bit快速入门指南










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Awesome micro:bit 

A curated list of resources for the BBC micro:bit, a tiny programmable computer designed to make learning and teaching easy and fun! This embedded board has a Bluetooth capable microcontroller, USB interface, accelerometer, magnetometer, light and temperature sensors, 5x5 LED matrix, buttons, and accessible GPIO.

Inspired by the .

Contributions are welcome!




  •  - Provides an in-browser emulator and a Blocks interface that generates JavaScript (TypeScript) code (part of Microsoft's PXT).
    •  - Windows 10 application for micro:bit MakeCode.
  •  - Block programming environment design for programming robots, it also supports the micro:bit by generating MicroPython.
  •  - Blocks interface that provides a transitioning experience from Scratch to Python.
  •  - A visual programming language inspired by Scratch that runs right inside microcontroller boards such as the micro:bit.
  •  - The new version of Scratch is officially compatible with the micro:bit via their Scratch Link plug-in.
  •  - A multi-device coding canvas for block-based programming that connects with BLE devices via Chrome Web Bluetooth.

The following editors are no longer maintained:

  •  - Block interface that produces Touch Develop code. No longer in development and it's recommended to use MakeCode instead.
  •  - Graphical interface that provides a transitioning experience from 'drag and drop' to text-based programming (JavaScript). This editor is no longer maintained.
Scratch 2 Extensions
  •  - Using micro:bit with Scratch / S2Bot as a Bluetooth 'games controller' (needs specific BLED112 Bluetooth dongle).
  •  - Lets you control your micro:bit wirelessly using Scratch programming blocks.
  •  - A Python program that acts as a bridge between the Scratch 2 off-line editor and the micro:bit via USB.
  •  - Scratch 2 (offline) extension for BBC micro:bit bluetooth connection with a Windows PC.


  •  - Port of MicroPython, a Python 3 implementation for microcontrollers and constrained environments.
MicroPython Editors
  •  - The official online Python editor from the micro:bit foundation website.
  •  - Original Python editor from microbit.co.uk, contains an older version of MicroPython.
  •  - "Micro" editor for MicroPython and the BBC micro:bit.
  •  - Python online editor and simulator that supports the micro:bit MicroPython ().
  •  - BBC micro:bit MicroPython support package for the Atom editor.
  •  - Plug-in for , a Python IDE for beginners.
  •  - Support for MicroPython devices in IntelliJ IDEA and PyCharm.
  •  - A micro:bit compatible MicroPython IDE for Windows/Mac, designed with a simple and convenient interface.
  •  - An online MicroPython IDE for micro:bits, with bundled learning resources.
MicroPython Libraries
  •  - Class for controlling servos on the micro:bit via PWM.
  •  - Class for using the PCA9685 16-Channel 12-bit PWM/Servo Driver via I2C.
  •  - Module for using a 7-segment display driven by a MAX7219 chip via SPI.
  •  - Module for using a 8x8 Leds Matrix driven by a MAX7219 chip via SPI.
  •  - Library to control the OLED SSD1306 128x64 I2C with a micro:bit.
  •  - Library to use an SSD1306 OLED display as a 7 segment display.
  •  - Library to control the OLED SSD1306 128x64 display with a micro:bit via SPI.
  •  - Library to control the SSD1306 display via I2C.
  •  - Library for the HT16K33 LED matrix driver in multiple configurations (16x8, 8x8 or 8x8x2).
  •  - Library to read the distance from a HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor using the SPI peripheral.
  •  - Library to read the distance from a US-100 ultrasonic sensor via UART.
  •  - Library to calibrate and use a sound sensor KY038, including clap counter functionality.
  •  - Fast controller for Nokia 5110 LCDs.
  •  - Class to read the pressure and temperature readings from the NXP MPL115A1 SPI sensor.
  •  - Example micro:bit functions to read and write to a Microchip I2C EEPROM.
  •  - Module to drive stepper motors via ULN2003 darlington transistors.
  •  - Module for Bosch BME280 Pressure, Temperature and Humidity Sensor via I2C.
  •  - Interface module for using the Pixy cam with the BBC micro:bit.
  •  - Module for the MB1013 ultrasonic sensor controlled via UART.
  •  - Library for 10 segment LED bar graph modules using the MY9221 LED driver.
  •  - Library for interfacing with an Aosong AM2320 temperature and humidity sensor over I2C.
  •  - Library for interfacing with an Aosong DHT12 temperature and humidity sensor over I2C.
  •  - Library for quad 7-segment LED display modules using the TM1637 LED driver.
  •  - Module to enable talking to MIDI devices on the BBC micro:bit.
  •  - Class to control the Kitronik motor driver board.
  •  - Growing collection of modules, including TM1637/TM1650 7-seg LEDs, OLED 128x64, LCD1602, AT24XX EEPROM, DS1302/DS1307/DS3231 RTC, NeoPixel drivers, APDS9930 Digital Proximity and Ambient Light Sensor, BME280 humidity and pressure sensor, BMP280/BMP180 pressure sensors.
Python Libraries
  •  - Run Python programs on your computer with the same micro:bit MicroPython API and connecting a micro:bit as an external peripheral device or sensor.
  •  - Python package that emulates the micro:bit as defined by the micro:bit MicroPython API.
  •  - Python package to interface with Bluetooth devices, with examples for the micro:bit.
  •  - BBC micro:bit I/O library for Python. It allows you to run code in Python on a PC/Mac/Linux/Raspberry Pi and interact directly with the micro:bit.
Python Programming Tools
  •  - Utility for flashing the micro:bit with Python scripts and the MicroPython runtime.
  •  - A REPL client for MicroPython running on the BBC micro:bit.
  •  - Simple command line tool and module for interacting with the limited file system provided by MicroPython on the micro:bit.
  •  - Package that allows Jupyter interfaces to run MicroPython code directly on the micro:bit.

JavaScript and MakeCode

  •  - This block and text editor for the micro:bit provides an in-browser emulator, a Blocks interface, and JavaScript (TypeScript) editor.
    •  - Windows 10 application for micro:bit MakeCode.
  •  - JavaScript interpreter for microcontrollers. It also offers a WebIDE for written code and blocks.
MakeCode Extensions

To add an extension find the "Extensions" option in the Settings menu or the "Advance" toolbox category.

The extensions included in the official list below can be found by searching for their name in the "Extensions" screen.

  •  - Official list of extensions available directly within MakeCode.

The following extensions can be added into MakeCode by copying the GitHub URL and pasting it into the search box of the "Extensions" screen.

  •  - PXT package to support the BlueDot app - beta.
  •  - Blocks that support Kitronik Servo:Lite board for the micro:bit.
  •  - Blocks for driving the Kitronik I2C 16 servo expansion board.
  •  - Blocks for driving the Kitronik micro:bit motor driver board.
  •  - Control your LEGO® Power Functions motors using your micro:bit with an infrared LED.
  •  - This library provides a Microsoft PXT package for Invent robot.
  •  - Package for sending signed data messages to the ubirch backend.
  •  - Makecode Package for the CCS811 Air Quality Sensor.
  •  - Tinkercademy MakeCode package for using the DS1307 RTC (Real-Time Clock).
  •  - Tinkercademy MakeCode Package for the HT16K33 I2C Alphanumeric Display (beta).
  •  - A Honeycomb kits package for micro:bit MakeCode.
  •  - Allows the micro:bit to act as iBeacon / AltBeacon advertiser.
  •  - Package designed for Lumex OLED display.
  •  - Blocks that support Roger Wagner's MakerBit board including Serial MP3, I2C LCD 1602, and ultrasonic.
  •  - Growing collection of packages, including TM1637/TM1650 7-seg LEDs, OLED 128x64, LCD1602, AT24XX EEPROM, DS1302/DS1307 RTC, APDS9930 Digital Proximity and Ambient Light Sensor, BH1750 digital ambient light sensor, BME280 humidity and pressure sensor, BMP280/BMP180 pressure sensors.
  •  - Package to control the BMP085 or BMP180 pressure and altitude sensors.
  •  - Driver for SHT20, SHT21, SHT25 digital sensor, enabling the the micro:bit to obtain temperature and relative humidity from these sensors.
  •  - Package to calculate distances using a VL53L0X Time-of-Flight ranging sensor.
  •  - Package for using the KY-040 rotary encoder.
  •  - Package to control the PCA9685, a 16-channel PWM controller, with included servo support.
Node.js Libraries
  •  - Control a micro:bit from Node.js using BLE.
  •  - Johnny-Five (JavaScript Robotics and IoT programming framework) micro:bit IO Plugin.
JavaScript Browser Libraries
  •  - JavaScript library to interact with BBC micro:bit using web bluetooth API.
JavaScript Programming Tools
  •  - Use the command line to program the micro:bit with MakeCode JavaScript. You can also run a local version of the MakeCode online editor (part of Microsoft's PXT).


  •  - Guidance on how to start using the runtime in C/C++ including full documentation of the APIs, drivers, and types that make up the micro:bit runtime. Bluetooth documentation includes a link to the original *.hex file that ships on the micro:bit devices.
  •  - Arduino Core for Nordic Semiconductor nRF5 based boards, including the micro:bit.
C/C++ Editors
  •  - C/C++ editor for the micro:bit with serial monitor and deploy functionality. Written in Python with an installer (ATM Linux only, but could be manually installed in any OS) that includes all dependencies.
C/C++ Libraries
  •  - BBC micro:bit OneWire Library, based upon Erik Olieman's Mbed DS1820 lib.
  •  - Library for using NeoPixels with the BBC micro:bit.
  •  - Arduino LED Screen library for micro:bit.
  •  - Wrapper code and examples for using micro:bit with Arduino IDE.
  •  - Program to interface BBC micro:bit to a MCP79410 RTCC (Real Time Clock Calendar) module.
  •  - AS-289R2 thermal printer Mbed library for micro:bit.
  •  - Driver for SHT20, SHT21, SHT25 digital sensor, enabling the the micro:bit to obtain temperature and relative humidity from these sensors.
  •  - Driver for the VL53L0X Time-of-Flight ranging sensor.
  •  - Library for using the KY-040 rotary encoder.
  •  - Driver for the PCA9685, a 16-channel PWM controller, with included servo support.

Other micro:bit Languages

Other programming languages capable to program the micro:bit.

  •  - Flexible, text-based programming language with an interactive visual component.
  •  - Article describing the experience and steps of compiling Rust code for the micro:bit with and without interaction with the runtime DAL.
  •  - Forth, a stack-based language, for the BBC micro:bit.
  •  - Free Pascal compiler that can target the ARM embedded platform, including the micro:bit.
  •  - Instruction on how to setup the Ada development environment for the micro:bit.
  •  - Sniff is a "Scratch-like" programming language that's designed to help Scratchers move gently from Scratch to more conventional languages.
  •  - An interpreter for the classic AI programming language for the BBC micro:bit.
  •  - IL2C is a translator implementation of .NET intermediate language to C language, with C# and F# examples for the micro:bit.
  •  - () Project to bring Go to microcontrollers and small systems, with out-of-box support for the BBC micro:bit.

Other Interaction Languages

These languages do not program the micro:bit directly, but can be used to create programs that interface with a micro:bit.

  •  - Enables interacting with the micro:bit from Kodu Game Lab.
  •  - Package that enables you to create Simulink models and automatically generate and deploy code on the micro:bit.
  •  - Tools for using the micro:bit (via MicroPython serial connection) with the Dyalog APL programming language on the Raspberry Pi.
  •  - Framework for the Go programming language to program devices in the real world. It can access the micro:bit via Bluetooth LE.
  •  - Unity scripts to allow the BBC Microbit to be used as a Unity Controller.
  •  - Control a BBC micro:bit from Node.js using BLE and the Haxe programming language.
  •  - Control a micro:bit via Bluetooth with App Inventor, a visual programming environment for Android applications.
  •  - MakeCode and App Inventor extension that makes it easy to connect AppInventor mobile phone apps with the BBC micro:bit wirelessly over Bluetooth.
  •  - Allows you you to control the BBC micro:bit remotely from your own DroidScript apps (Android apps written in JavaScript).
  •  - CoreBluetooth wrapper in C++ that connects a micro:bit to a computer running macOS using BLE and outputs over OSC (can be used standalone, or as a C++ or Objective C library).
  •  - An application programming interface written in Swift for use with the micro:bit. It allows programs written for Apple devices to communicate with the micro:bit using BLE.
  •  - A node-red (flow-based visual programming) module that wraps some of the functionality of the Python/MicroPython Bitio Library.

Programming Tools

  •  - Creates a virtual machine with the toolchain required to create C/C++ programs, develop/compile MicroPython, and create packages for MakeCode.
  •  - Windows application that monitors your Downloads folder and flashes any new programs to the micro:bit.

Mobile Apps

  •  - () Pair, program and flash programs to the micro:bit via Bluetooth.
  •  - Pair, program and flash programs to the micro:bit via Bluetooth.
  •  - Swift Playgrounds is an app for the iPad that helps teach people to code in the Swift language using interactive 'books'.
  •  - () Android app that contains a series demos for interacting with the micro:bit using Bluetooth.
  •  - Diverse collection of Android and iOS apps, going from data logging to audio pranks, you'll certainly find something of interest.
  •  - () Create simple programs in plain English to control the BBC micro:bit to do lots of useful things.
  •  - Open source Android app that communicates with the micro:bit over BLE and gets sensor data. A good example of using Xamarin (a cross platform mobile framework) with the micro:bit.
  •  - iOS and Android app that provides a collection of fun things to do with a BBC micro:bit (or compatible device) and Bluetooth.
  •  - Android app that enables users to log data from the BLE services and export it to a file.
  •  - Android app that presents a D-Pad interface to control a micro:bit over Bluetooth LE.
  •  - A generic tool for Android that allows you to scan, advertise and explore BLE devices. It supports the micro:bit by including information on the micro:bit services, custom macros and more.
  •  - iOS app to program a large selection of devices, including the micro:bit, connecting them all together, so that they can interact with each other.
  •  - Android app capable to send and receive micro:bit Bluetooth UART data.
  •  - Multiplayer snake game on Android, controlled with micro:bits via Bluetooth.

ChromeOS Apps

  •  - () BBC micro:bit programs and a matching application for providing a quiz-voter-style service using micro:bits as the controls.
  •  - Play with 3D "PolySquiggles", use as a compass, have fun with the buttons, send images or text to the LED display, connect and control electronic circuits, and all via Bluetooth.
  •  - Capture and chart accelerometer, magnetometer and temperature data from your micro:bit's internal sensors over Bluetooth.
  •  - Prototype chrome addon that exposes the micro:bit's serial output to web pages like the MakeCode editor.

Interface Chip

The USB Interface Chip is the microcontroller placed close to the battery connector. It provides the USB mass storage capability to load the micro:bit firmware using the Operating System file explorer.

  •  - This micro:bit Developer Community page contains information about the Interface Chip DAPlink and the USB interface.
  •  - The DAPLink is the default software running on the Interface Chip, this page contains information, update instructions, and the latest firmware.
  •  - Source code for the Mbed DAPLink, contains the build configuration for the micro:bit.
  •  - Offers the same flashing functionality than the DAPLink and expands it to include J-Link debugging.
  •  - Python library for programming and debugging ARM Cortex-M microcontrollers, like the one included in the micro:bit, using the CMSIS-DAP provided by the Interface Chip.
  •  - JavaScript (Node.js and WebUSB) interface to DAP-CMSIS over USB/HID, meant to provide a subset of functionality of pyOCD.


  •  - Schematics and bill of materials for the BBC micro:bit.
  •  - Hardware design files for a board 100% binary compatible with the micro:bit. Created to help make your own micro:bit derived designs.
  •  - Open Source PCB for the micro:bit with a battery holder, buzzer, extension edge connector and pins breaks out.
  •  - Eagle library from Proto-Pic for the micro:bit edge connectors.
  •  - KiCad component library and footprint library for a micro:bit edge-connector socket.
  •  - Open source files for the SparkFun micro:bit Breakout Board.
  •  - Open source files for the SparkFun moto:bit, a board to provide a robotics platform.
  •  - Open source files for the SparkFun weather:bit, a board to provide a weather station.
  •  - Open source files for the SparkFun gamer:bit, a board to provide a game system.
  •  - Open source board that lets you hook up NeoPixel and DotStar LEDs to a BBC micro:bit, also contains a headphone jack and a couple of slide potentiometers for input.

3D Printing

  •  - Case for the micro:bit in the shape of a robot.
  •  - Stand for the micro:bit.
  •  - Multiple 3D printable parts to build a micro:bit robot rover.
  •  - Driving wheel case for the micro:bit.
  •  - Watch case and strap for the micro:bit.
  •  - Compass case for the micro:bit.
  •  - Device holder to store your micro:bit in a A4 school folder.
  •  - Chassis for a painting robot powered by a BBC micro:bit and its motor driver board.
  •  - Case which looks like a small robot. Two versions available, with a rear protective cover or with a perforated cover for the pins.
  •  - Simple battery clip for the BBC micro:bit.
  •  - Stand that holds 20 micro:bit boards vertically, useful in a classroom setting.
  •  - A slim, nice looking, and functional snap-together case that protects all sides and corners.
  •  - Otto chassis for the microbit to make a bidepad robot with a robitbit accessory.
  •  - A line follower chassis for the micro:bit.
  •  - Add-on to the bit:booster that makes a simple walking robot using two continuous servos.


  •  - BBC micro:bit CAD model from Kitronik.
  •  - Proto-PIC products CAD resources.

2D Design

  •  - Richard Hayler collection of Fritzing parts contains a model for the micro:bit.
  •  - Easily create micro:bit illustrations with custom LED matrix messages.
  •  - A detailed SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) drawing of the BBC micro:bit.
  •  - An SVG file template for drawing BBC micro:bit wiring diagrams using alligator clips.
  •  - micro:bit-inspired fan art made with "Make 8 Bit Art".


All these projects contain steps and resources required for reproduction.

  •  - Connect the micro:bit to the LoRaWAN network, includes an open source hardware micro:bit connector board.
  •  - Simple bipedal robot controlled by a micro:bit.
  •  - (, ) Three part article describing how to augment a coffee maker with an micro:bit indicator, options for low power communication, and creating a custom enclosure.
  •  - Connecting and using a Sparkfun thermal till-roll printer.
  •  - Project shows how to make your own Light Sword with the micro:bit, electronics, and 3D printed parts.
  •  - Programming and connecting a micro:bit to a vintage MB Simon game.
  •  - Creating an Amazon Alexa skill where the current weather can be asked and the result displayed on the micro:bit.
  •  - Making a ballon tracker with a micro:bit connected to GPS and a LoRa transceiver to track and transmit its position.
  •  - BBC micro:bit and Max frameworks for triggering multiple speakers in a grid arrangement.
  •  - Low cost micro:bit buggy.
  •  - Project designed to enable unique gesture recognition for people with limited control of their motion.
  •  - Scaled up micro:bit with the 5x5 LED matrix and buttons, connected to a real micro:bit.
  •  - Create a display screen using a number of micro:bits communicating via radio.
  •  - Choose between two different versions (Mk I and Mk II) ready to 3D print and build.
  •  - The micro:bit finds various types of BLE Beacons, and displays their ID to the LEDs.
  •  - Tutorial on how to design a build a perspex micro:bit tank.
  •  - A hovercraft, which runs both in the water and on the ground. Uses 2 motors to blow air underneath to support the hovercraft body and 2 motors in the end to control its direction.
  •  - A Christmas themed micro:bit ZIP Halo Compass, with a 3D printed and laser cut case.
  •  - Hardware project to code and play arcade games on the micro:bit.
  •  - Project walk through to control with Alexa an RGB LED connected to a micro:bit.
  •  - A Linux application which interacts with the BBC micro:bit to give hand prothesis users the ability to control their desktop computer using gestures.
  •  - Circuit and code to display an audio spectrum bar chart on the BBC micro:bit.
  •  - Play the classic Pong game on a TV - using BBC Microbits as paddles, Bluetooth also supported.
  •  - This project allows you to configure your micro:bit to work as a Bluetooth Low Energy remote control for Spotify on macOS.
  •  - An extensive project to examine Stirling engine operation and performance. A micro:bit is used to create a custom keyboard and LCD interface that communicates with other parts of the project.
  •  - A portable game console based on the micro:bit board. It features a 128x64 monochrome OLED screen, six buttons, a buzzer for sound, and a 2xAAA battery holder.
  •  - Turning a BBC micro:bit into a test instrument by displaying all the sensor readings on an LCD and packaging it into a 3D printed box.

Project Collections

  •  - The microbit.co.uk website contains an extensive list with all their projects and tutorials.
  •  - This hackster community contains user submitted projects for the micro:bit.
  •  - List of micro:bit projects you can do with the MakeCode editor.
  •  - Collection of projects using the micro:bit and Tinkercademy Tinker Kit.
  •  - Collection of Raspberry Pi and micro:bit projects from the Raspberry Pi Foundation.
  •  - Projects using the micro:bit tag in Hackaday.io, a collaborative hardware development community.
  •  - All the micro:bit projects posted to Maker.io, a playground for makers.
  •  - All the micro:bit projects posted to Electromaker, a platform for makers to showcase their projects.


Useful Articles for developing on the micro:bit.

  •  - Creating a game for the micro:bit, the MicroPython changes needed to increase performance and a general profile of its resources.
  •  - Build your own Bluetooth low energy services and bundle them as PXT/MakeCode blocks that beginners can use.
  •  - Experiment to have some basic sensor data collected using the micro controller and then visualized in Excel.
  •  - Updating a micro:bit game and porting it to the Rust language.
  •  - Article describing an experiment to add a new module into MicroPython for the micro:bit.
  •  - Using different timing mechanisms to run multiple things in MicroPython.
  •  - Shows how to debug a micro:bit program using PyOCD and GDB.
  •  - What’s in it, what it does and how it all fits together.
  •  - Building a screen to show images from a thousand BBC micro:bits.
  •  - Explanation of the MakeCode radio packet specification (built on top of the micro:bit runtime specification) and how to communicate between MakeCode and MicroPython programs via radio.
  •  - Building a micro:bit mesh network so they can play music synchronized across a large area.
  •  - Learn how to use the micro:bit's built-in accelerometer and magnetometer.
  •  - Random notes and examples about micro:bit BLE and Linux.
  •  - An inexpensive and easy to build device to perform pressure measurements and demonstrate Boyle's law with the micro:bit and BMP280 pressure/temperature sensor.
  •  - Program BBC Micro:bit with mbed OS and remotely send data to cloud by utilizing BLE to smartphone/PC IoT cloud gateway.

Article Collections

  •  - Large collection of examples, instructions, and direction on how to use electronic components.
  •  - Collection of tutorials from SparkFun, including comprehensive experiment guides for their kits.
  •  - Collection of blogs written about using the BitIO Python module to control the micro:bit.
  •  - Blog with a section for articles showing how to use a wide selection of sensors with the micro:bit and the Arduino software.
  •  - Adafruit Learning System section for the BBC micro:bit.
  •  - A varied collection of micro:bit resources by Kitronik.
  •  - All the micro:bit articles posted in Maker.io, a playground for makers.
  •  - How to use different electronic components with the micro:bit.
  •  - Blog posts and articles about micro:bit from DF Robot.


  •  - YouTube channel with tutorials to learn to code with your family.
  •  - YouTube playlist with Martin Woolley's Bluetooth videos.
  •  - List of short, introductory videos for anyone wanting to get started with the micro:bit.
  •  - Growing list of video resources for the micro:bit.
  •  - Video tutorials showing how to use different electronic components and features of the micro:bit.
  •  - This presentation shows how Zephyr empowers the BBC micro:bit devices and its Bluetooth chip to do fun things.


Teaching Resources

  •  - A series of resources created by the IET (Institution of Engineering and Technology) as part of their highly successful IET Faraday brand.
  •  - Booklets and video content to bring a variety of real-life applications of the micro:bit to life in your classroom.
  •  - Provides an online MicroPython code editor, Blockly visual programming, full micro:bit simulator, curriculum-aligned teaching material and auto-marked problems.
  •  - Fully-customisable scheme of work and resources for use in the primary classroom.
  •  - Computing challenges with the micro:bit to boost your programming skills or spice up your teaching of computer science.
  •  - Notes on micro:bit project ideas for Key Stage 2 and 3.
  •  - Project page documenting Brooke Primary School pupil's upcoming journey for launching a BBC micro:bit (on its own) into near-space, with experiments and sensor measurements.
  •  - FunWithMicrobit is a 6 hours workshop made by kids for the kids.
  •  - Lessons used to introduce students to the micro:bit and Python.
  •  - Tutorial sheets that introduce micro:bit features with practical examples provided to invite students to design solutions to problems.
  •  - Kodu is a visual programming language made specifically for creating games and allow interaction with the micro:bit.
  •  - This fun learning resource has been put together to provide teachers with an all in one design and technology challenge that you can set for your students over the course of a term or a year.
  •  - Collection of micro:bit resources made for CPC.
  •  - BBC micro:bit lessons from Bourne Grammar school.
  •  - Targeted to middle school grades 6-8 (ages 11-14 years). It is also written for teachers who may not have a Computer Science background, or may be teaching an "Intro to CS" for the first time.
  •  - Using a micro:bit to monitor the level of algal growth in a pond and to control a filter pump.
  •  - A a great way to get started with programming and hardware interaction with the micro:bit. Includes 12 experiments using LEDs, motors, LDRs and capacitors.
  •  - () Activities with different difficulty levels, target age, and duration.
  •  - Code and materials for learning to program with the BBC micro:bit.
  •  - Lesson plans aligned to Code.org's Computer Science Fundamentals curriculum for primary and elementary school students.
  •  - This very comprehensive article explores ways in which the micro:bit can send data via USB cable or wirelessly to PC applications.
  •  - From Getting Started to Games. Computer Science teaching resources designed for use with students aged 10-14 years.
  •  - Geared for students in middle and early high school, these Science Experiment lessons are designed help gain a greater understanding of the forces and behaviour of the physical world.
  •  - (, ) - Are you a teacher who wants to use micro:bit in your classroom, but doesn't know where to start? We'll show you how!

BBC Teaching Resources

  •  - Learn how to create games, animations and robots using simple code.
  •  - The BBC micro:bit will be put to the test at the controls of the TARDIS in this special BBC Live Lesson in collaboration with the team behind Doctor Who.
  •  - The full BBC Live Lesson exploring the basics of coding, with help from the stars of Strictly Come Dancing and the BBC micro:bit.
  •  - Reach for the stars with our latest Live Lesson on the BBC micro:bit, which investigates how computer science can be used to aid man's exploration of space.
  •  - Join The Doctor on an adventure of courage, cunning and coding!
    •  - What plan does the Doctor have in mind to save the Universe from the Reality Bomb?
    •  - The Doctor has intercepted some seriously strange data from the Daleks; it's up to you to help decode it.
    •  - It's the final mission! Click here to get hacking and infiltrate the Dalek spaceship.


  •  - Online form to join this chat group, a great place to discuss and meet more people from the micro:bit community.


  •  - (Discontinued, archived) newsletter to stay up-to-date with the latest micro:bit news, articles, projects, and resources.
  •  - The support pages from the micro:bit Foundation is a great source of information, containing an extensive collection of FAQs, articles, and guides.
  •  - Radiobit is composed of a dedicated Micropython-based firmware and a set of tools allowing security researchers to sniff, receive and send data over Nordic's ShockBurst protocol, Enhanced ShockBurst protocol, Bluetooth Smart Link Layer and sniff raw 2.4GHz GFSK demodulated data.
  •  - Element14 has put together this detailed, beautifully rendered, cross-section micro:bit poster highlighting all of the device's key functions and components.
  •  - Tips on how to solve common and not so common micro:bit Bluetooth problems.
  •  - Before the micro:bit was released a few went on a tour to the world-wide Python community. A lot of interesting content and ideas on these micro:bit adventures.
  •  - Free resource to help parent's get actively involved in helping their children learn how to code, even with no prior coding experience.
  •  - Write music and get the corresponding micro:bit micropython code, a tool made with Scratch.
  •  - The Unofficial micro:bit Community Magazine.
  •  - () The default program running on a brand new micro:bit.


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